Deposit References API Guideline

The Deposit References feature allows you to manage incoming bank transfers and connect them to specific payments. This is useful when there are unmatched transfers that cannot automatically fund a deposit payment.

Endpoints Overview

1. Get All Deposit References

  • Endpoint: GET /deposit_references

  • Description: Retrieves all deposit references for a tenant. You can filter the results using the has_unmatched_transfers query parameter to fetch only deposit references with unmatched transfers.

    Query Parameters:

    • has_unmatched_transfers (optional): Set to true to filter for deposit references with unmatched transfers.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "tenant_id: {tenant_id}" \
  -H "x-api-secret: {api_secret}"

Example Response:

  "data": [
      "id": "68a6a036-68e4-44f4-a96f-4c95bec59d0e",
      "reference": "100000793",
      "reference_type": "OCR",
      "purpose": "payment"
      "id": "d6c88a67-0fa8-4e81-a35a-09ac68271b0d",
      "reference": "100000694",
      "reference_type": "OCR",
      "purpose": "payment"
  "_links": {
    "first": {
      "href": ""
    "next": {
      "href": null
    "current": {
      "href": ""
    "previous": {
      "href": null

2. Get One Deposit Reference

  • Endpoint: GET /deposit_references/{deposit_reference_id}
  • Description: Retrieves details of a specific deposit reference, including all bank transfers associated with it.

Example Request:

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "tenant_id: {tenant_id}" \
  -H "x-api-secret: {api_secret}"

Example Response:

  "id": "68a6a036-68e4-44f4-a96f-4c95bec59d0e",
  "reference": "100000793",
  "reference_type": "OCR",
  "purpose": "payment",
  "transfers": [
      "id": "0365a2e5-1a12-48b7-b5ae-3e9629990884",
      "currency": "SEK",
      "attachments": [],
      "amount": 1000,
      "remittance_information": {
        "reference": "100000793",
        "payment_channel": "bankgirot",
        "payer_information": {
          "name": null,
          "country": null,
          "city": null,
          "postal_code": null,
          "street_address": null
      "value_date": "2024-09-09",
      "booking_date": "2024-09-09",
      "connections": []
      "id": "d76825c0-14ef-403d-9e4b-f9d3f7c0a631",
      "currency": "SEK",
      "attachments": [],
      "amount": 1000,
      "remittance_information": {
        "reference": "100000793",
        "payment_channel": "bankgirot",
        "payer_information": {
          "name": null,
          "country": null,
          "city": null,
          "postal_code": null,
          "street_address": null
      "value_date": "2024-09-06",
      "booking_date": "2024-09-06",
      "connections": [
          "payment_id": "83781718-0103-40f4-9a12-195fe830a26d",
          "connected_by": "Admin",
          "connected_at": "2024-09-06T12:02:52.986843Z",
          "manually_connected": true
  "liquidity_account_id": null,
  "payment_ids": [

3. Connect Transfer to Payment

  • Endpoint: POST /deposit_references/{deposit_reference_id}/transfers/{transfer_id}/connect
  • Description: Connect an unmatched transfer to a non-funded payment.

Request Parameters:

  • deposit_reference_id: The ID of the deposit reference.
  • transfer_id: The ID of the unmatched transfer.
  • Body Parameters:
    • payment_id: The ID of the payment to connect the transfer to.

Example Request:

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "tenant_id: {tenant_id}" \
  -H "x-api-secret: {api_secret}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "payment_id": "ea839a90-4643-4287-afe6-5e45f34d4716",
    "connected_by": "Admin"

Example Response:

204 No Content

Callback Registration

A callback can be registered to notify your system when a new unmatched transfer is received. To register the callback URL, update your tenant settings.

Register Callback URL

  • Endpoint: PUT /tenant
  • Description: Register or update the deposit_reference_callback_url to receive notifications for unmatched transfers.

Example Request:

curl -X PUT "" \
  -H "tenant_id: {tenant_id}" \
  -H "x-api-secret: {api_secret}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "deposit_reference_callback_url": ""

Callback Payload Example:

When a new unmatched transfer is received, the system will send a POST request to the registered callback URL.

Example Callback Payload:

  "deposit_reference": {
    "id": "68a6a036-68e4-44f4-a96f-4c95bec59d0e",
    "reference": "100000793",
    "reference_type": "OCR",
    "purpose": "payment"
  "transfer": {
    "id": "ba79ab30-16a2-4136-8093-c35508aaa737",
    "amount": 1000,
    "currency": "SEK",
    "value_date": "2024-09-10",
    "booking_date": "2024-09-10",
    "remittance_information": {
      "reference": "100000793",
      "payment_channel": "bankgirot",
      "payer_information": {
        "name": null,
        "postal_code": null,
        "street_address": null,
        "city": null,
        "country": null
    "connections": [],
    "attachments": []

Recommended Workflow

  1. Register a Callback URL:
    First, register a callback URL by calling PUT /tenant. This will ensure that your system is notified whenever a new unmatched transfer is received.

    curl -X PUT "" \
      -H "tenant_id: {tenant_id}" \
      -H "x-api-secret: {api_secret}" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "deposit_reference_callback_url": ""
  2. Handle callback notification:

    When you receive a callback notification, create a new payment using the same reference as the transfer.

    Example callback payload:
      "deposit_reference": {
        "id": "68a6a036-68e4-44f4-a96f-4c95bec59d0e",
        "reference": "100000793",
        "reference_type": "OCR",
        "purpose": "payment"
      "transfer": {
        "id": "ba79ab30-16a2-4136-8093-c35508aaa737",
        "amount": 1000,
        "currency": "SEK",
        "value_date": "2024-09-10",
        "booking_date": "2024-09-10",
        "remittance_information": {
          "reference": "100000793",
          "payment_channel": "bankgirot",
          "payer_information": {
            "name": null,
            "postal_code": null,
            "street_address": null,
            "city": null,
            "country": null
        "connections": [],
        "attachments": []

    You can now create a payment with the amount and reference provided by calling POST /payment_orders/{payment_order_id}/payments.

    Example payment request:
    curl -X POST "{payment_order_id}/payments" \
      -H "tenant_id: {tenant_id}" \
      -H "x-api-secret: {api_secret}" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "currency": "SEK",
        "method": "deposit",
        "provider": "ping",
        "total_amount": 1000,
        "order_items": [
            "amount": 1000,
            "merchant_id": "{merchant_id}",
            "name": "Item 1",
            "vat_rate": 25
        "provider_method_parameters": {
          "complete_when_funded": true,
          "reference_type": "OCR",
          "reference": "100000793"
    Example response
      "id": "aada68bd-0b48-4aff-bfc1-54ee9d375df3",
      "provider_method_response": {
        "reference": "100000793",
        "deposit_reference_id": "68a6a036-68e4-44f4-a96f-4c95bec59d0e",
        "deposit_account": {
          "bic": null,
          "bban": null,
          "iban": "SE10923102301922039",
          "bankgiro_number": null
        "bank_account": {
          "bic": null,
          "bban": null,
          "iban": "SE10923102301922039",
          "bankgiro_number": null
        "invoice": {
          "display_url": null,
          "download_url": null
  3. Connect the Transfer:
    After creating the payment, connect the unmatched transfer to the payment by calling POST /deposit_references/{deposit_reference_id}/transfers/{transfer_id}/connect.

    curl -X POST "" \
      -H "tenant_id: {tenant_id}" \
      -H "x-api-secret: {api_secret}" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "payment_id": "aada68bd-0b48-4aff-bfc1-54ee9d375df3"

By following this process, tenants can efficiently handle unmatched transfers and ensure payments are correctly funded.