3. Sandbox Environment for Autogiro Integration


When integrating Autogiro payment methods, developers can utilize Ping Payments' sandbox environment to test and simulate the complete user journey without affecting live data. This section provides essential information on using the sandbox environment for Autogiro integration.

Sandbox Environment Access

The sandbox environment is accessible at:


This environment mirrors the production setup, using Open Banking Sandbox environments for account enrollment. It also supports manual account registration, similar to the production environment.

Tenant Requirements

To use the Autogiro payment method in the sandbox, tenants must have the payment method activated on their account. This prerequisite ensures that the sandbox experience closely replicates the live environment's functionality.

Simulating Mandate Status Changes

To simulate a change in the status of a mandate, you can make a PUT request to the Ping Payments Mimic API. Here's an example using curl:

curl --request PUT \
     --url https://mimic-sandbox.pingpayments.com/api/autogiro/mandate \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --header 'tenant_id: [Tenant_ID]' \ # Replace [Tenant_ID] with the actual Tenant ID
     --data '
  "id": "[Mandate_ID]", # Replace [Mandate_ID] with the actual Mandate ID
  "status": "[New_Status]" # Replace [New_Status] with the desired status, e.g., "APPROVED", "REJECTED", or "CANCELLED"

Read more about this endpoint here in Mimic:


Simulating Payment Status Changes

To simulate a payment status change, use the following curl command:

curl --request PUT \
     --url https://mimic-sandbox.pingpayments.com/api/autogiro/payment \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --header 'tenant_id: [Tenant_ID]' \ # Replace [Tenant_ID] with the actual Tenant ID
     --data '
  "id": "[Payment_ID]", # Replace [Payment_ID] with the actual Payment ID
  "status": "REJECTED"

Read more about this endpoint here in Mimic:




[Tenant_ID], [Mandate_ID], [Payment_ID], and [New_Status] will be replaced with actual values.


The sandbox environment is a safe and isolated platform for tenants to develop and test Autogiro payment integration without the risk of affecting real customer data or transactions. By using the provided endpoints, tenants can simulate various scenarios and ensure that their integration with Ping Payments' Autogiro service is robust and functional before going live.