
A tenant is a platform or marketplace integrated with the Ping Payments™ portfolio of products. A tenant offers payment services to its Merchants and their end customers through Ping Payments. Each tenant has its own tenant_id.

Tenants can be seen as the top level of the Ping Payments API hierarchy.

Each tenant represents a separate instance, complete with its own lists of:

  • Merchants
  • Payment orders
  • Payments

Tenant ID

Every Ping Payments customer or representative of a Ping Payments customer working in the Ping Payments API needs a tenant ID.

This ID is given to a new customer upon registration. If your tenant ID is missing you should check if someone in your organization has recieved it. If there is no tenant ID on record, feel free to contact Ping Payments directly to retrieve your tenant ID.


A tenant can be described as a container for all your information in the Ping Payments ecosystem.

The tenant ID is used for accessing and modifying your records through the Ping Payments API.

A valid tenant ID is required when establishing a connection with the Ping Payments API: