API Class

Ping Payments™ API Class Documentation

The PaymentsApi Class

The PaymentsApi class acts as a factory for the Ping Payments API resource endpoints and holds the configuration of the Ping Payments API.

tenant_idstringThe ID given to a tenant by Ping Payments
environmentstringThe API environment

Default: production

Optional: sandbox

Using an endpoint in the PaymentsApi class:

  • Create a PaymentsApi object with a tenant_id.
  • Send in an environment parameter to test your code in sandbox mode. The default value is production.
  • Use an appropriate endpoint through the PaymentsApi object, for example: payments_api.merchant.

Initializing the Ping Payments API:

from ping.payments_api import PaymentsApi

payments_api = PaymentsApi(
  tenant_id = '55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555',
  environment = 'sandbox'

Calls to the Ping Payments API

Example using the merchant resource:

from ping.payments_api import PaymentsApi

payments_api = PaymentsApi(
  tenant_id = '55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555',
  environment = 'sandbox'

result = payments_api.merchant.get_merchants()
if result.is_success():
elif result.is_error():

API Resources

merchantGets all merchant methods from the merchants.py module
payment_orderGets all payment order methods from the payment_orders.py module
paymentGets all payment methods from the payments.py module
payoutGets all Payout methods from the payouts.py module