Key Concepts


A tenant is a platform or marketplace integrated with the Ping Payments™ portfolio of products. A tenant offers payment services to its Merchants and their end customers through Ping Payments. Each tenant has its own tenant_id.

Tenants can be seen as the top level of the Ping Payments API hierarchy.

Each tenant represents a separate instance, complete with its own lists of:

  • Merchants
  • Payment orders
  • Payments

Tenant ID

Every Ping Payments customer or representative of a Ping Payments customer working in the Ping Payments API needs a tenant ID.

This ID is given to a new customer upon registration. If your tenant ID is missing you should check if someone in your organization has recieved it. If there is no tenant ID on record, feel free to contact Ping Payments directly to retrieve your tenant ID.


In the Ping Payments™ API, a Merchant represents an organization selling goods or services through a Tenant.

Each tenant has their own list of merchants. Note that multiple tenants can have the same person or organization in their list of merchants, but that there is no connection between merchant entries in lists belonging to different tenants.

Each merchant has their own merchant ID.

Merchant ID

Every Merchant is identified by a merchant ID.

This ID is part of the response from the Ping Payments API upon creation of a new merchant. Every payment should have a valid merchant ID.

Payment Order

A payment order is a container of all payments pertaining to a single purchase. Each Tenant has its own list of payment orders.

Each payment order has its own ID.

Payment Order ID

Every payment order is identified by an ID.

This ID is part of the response from the Ping Payments™ API upon creation of a new payment order.

Properties of a Payment Order

A payments order contains any number of Payments and have the following states:

A payment order can be set as:

  • Closed:

    A closed payment order is closed for adding additional Payments.

  • Split:

    Some payments in a payment order have been fulfilled, and distributed as mapped out with a Split Tree datastructure.

  • Settled:

    A settled payment order only contains processed payments.

The default state of a payment order is Open:

You may initialize more payments and connect them to the open payment order using its payment order ID.

Split Tree

A Split Tree data structure is essentially a scheme or map outlining the distribution of Payments in a payment order.


In the Ping Payments™ API, a payment represents a purchase.

A payment contains one or more items of purchase, sometimes referred to as order items.

Every payment is wrapped in a Payment Order. Every payment has a payment method, and a recipient merchant.


A payment contains one or more items.

Each payment item contains:

  • Amount to be paid
  • A name of the item
  • A VAT quota
  • A Merchant ID

Payment Methods

The Ping Payments API supports a number of different payment methods that are listed here: Payment Methods