June, July and August 2023 Recap

Open Banking improvements


May 2023 Recap

Ability to create agreements in KYC API

April 2023 Recap

Payments API


March 2023 Recap

Support for multiple bank_accounts in KYC API

February 2023 Recap

Payments API


January 2023 Recap

Payments API


2022-12-14 Support for german persons as legal entities

  • The person object has been extended with a field named country
  • Added support for German persons as legal entities.

2022-11-29 - Metadata on order items

  • Initiate Payment V1: When initiating a payment, you can now add metadata to order items with the field metadata.

2022-10-31 - FUNDED but not COMPLETED deposit Payments

  • Initiate Payment V1: When creating a deposit Payment complete_when_funded can be specified in the provider_method_parameters field, making the Payment go to FUNDED instead of COMPLETED upon proper funding. Read more

2022-10-28 - Reuse deposit reference