
May 2024 Recap

In the April 2024 update for Ping Payments, we are pleased to announce that we have updated all BankID flows to comply with mandatory "Säker start" from May 1, 2024, enhancing security and user experience.

The May 2024 update enhances Ping Payments' API with new document upload endpoints, improved payment filtering, and strengthened transaction monitoring.

1. New endpoint for uploading documents for a payment

This endpoint allows you to upload documents (e.g., invoices or sales agreements) to a specific payment order. This is particularly useful for addressing transaction monitoring alerts by providing evidence of the transaction's purpose.


POST /payments/api/v1/payment_orders/{payment_order_id}/payments/{payment_id}/documents


tenant_id: <Your Tenant ID>

Path Parameters:

payment_order_id: <Payment Order ID>
payment_id: <Payment ID>


    "content": "<Base64 encoded document data>",
    "mime_type": "application/pdf", 
    "name": "invoice.pdf",
    "type": "invoice" 


  • 204 No Content: All documents were successfully uploaded.
  • 207 Multi-Status: Some documents failed to upload. The response body will include details:
  "failures": ["document2.pdf"],
  "success": ["document1.pdf"]

2. New endpoint: get payments with filtering

This endpoint retrieves a list of payments. You can filter the results by date range, status, payment method, provider, and refund status.


GET /payments/api/v1/payments


tenant_id: <Your Tenant ID>

Query Parameters:

  • from_initiated_date_time (date-time): Filter payments initiated after this date and time (ISO 8601 format).
  • to_initiated_date_time (date-time): Filter payments initiated before this date and time (ISO 8601 format).
  • status (string): Filter by payment status (e.g., COMPLETED, PENDING, CRASHED).
  • method (string): Filter by payment method (e.g., card, e_commerce).
  • provider (string): Filter by payment provider (e.g., swish, payment_id).
  • is_refund_requested (boolean): Filter payments with or without refund requests.
  • limit (integer): Limit the number of results per page (default: 50).
  • starting_after (string): Pagination cursor for fetching the next page of results.
  • ending_before (string): Pagination cursor for fetching the previous page of results.


  "_links": {
    "current": { "href": "..." },
    "first": { "href": "..." },
    "next": { "href": "..." },
    "previous": { "href": "..." },
    "ending_before_including": { "href": "..."}
  "data": [
      "currency": "EUR",
      "id": "...",
      // ... payment details
    // ... more payments

Explanation of Response:

  • _links: Contains links for pagination.

    • current: Link to the current page.
    • first: Link to the first page.
    • next: Link to the next page (if available).
    • previous: Link to the previous page (if available).
    • ending_before_including: This provides the endpoint used to get payments that initiated before a specific time and can be used as ending_before to page back
  • data: Array of payment objects, each containing details about a payment.

3. New endpoint for uploading documents to merchant

Use this endpoint to upload documents related to a merchant during a transaction monitoring alert or to perform necessarily KYC information requirements.


POST /payments/api/v1/merchants/{merchant_id}/documents


tenant_id: <Your Tenant ID>

Path Parameters:

merchant_id: <Merchant ID>


  "content": "<Base64 encoded document data>",
  "mime_type": "image/png", 
  "name": "registration_certificate.png",
  "type": "registration_certificate" 


  • 204 No Content: The document was successfully uploaded.